Agency Name
Agency Type
GET A PLAY! is an exciting, FIBA and WNBA certified sports management agency focused on professional women basketball.
Business Address
Inhaberin: Sieglinde Muth
Schlehdornweg 5
89079 Ulm
Schlehdornweg 5
89079 Ulm
+49 7305 91 95 72
Business Fax
+49 7305 91 95 74
Agency Name
Agency Type
Gsn is an agency that feels very strongly about the people that it represents.. At GSN we understand the importance of looking after your players and there long term value..
Agency Name
Agency Type
Football, Soccer and Basketball Players Agents
Agency Name
Agency Type
Regiospot performs an extensive global search for the perfect match. Regiospot and our co-operation partners do not charge the Player or Coach any fee or reimbursement charge for this service.
Business Address
Franz-Buß-Straße 18 54295 Trier
+49 (0)651 / 9 66 31 70
Agency Name
Agency Type